I am Associate Professor of American studies at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. My scholarly interests encompass representations of foodways in literature and film, fiction of regional America, especially literature of the American South, American short story, and ethnic/immigrant literatures of the USA, as well as American TV series.
I am the author of four monographs, one of them – Live and Let Di(n)e: Food and Race in the Texts of the American South (2017) was awarded “the 2018 American Studies Network Book Prize” by the American Studies Network (of EAAS) for a remarkable book published in English by a European scholar on any aspect of American Studies. I am also a guest editor of “Other Souths on Page and Screen” the themed special issue of Polish Journal for American Studies (2019).
My most recent book project: Race and Repast: Foodscapes in Twentieth-Century Southern Literature was published with the University of Arkansas Press in December 2022. My co-authored book project – Pathologizing Black Bodies: The Legacy of Plantation Slavery – is hot off the press, the book just came out with Routledge in May 2023.
I am an Eccles Fellow at the British Library, London (2014) and a Fellow of Salzburg Global Seminar (2019). For my academic achievements I was awarded the Medal of the Minister of Higher Education in Poland (2020).
Orcid number: 0000-0003-0840-6497