* 2022. 12. KUL Rector’s award for outstanding organizational and social work and popularization of science
* 2020. 05. the Medal of the Minister of Higher Education in Poland awarded for academic achievements
* 2019-2021. Research grant “Raza y corporeidad: cuerpos blancos y negros en conflict en la literature y el cine de los EU.” [“Race and the Body: White and Black Bodies in Conflict in US Literature and Film”], research coordinator: prof. Constante González Groba. In cooperation with University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain and University of Warsaw, Poland. Grant awarded by El Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain
* 2019. 04 – A scholarship from the Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association (SSASA) awarded to enable participation in “The Changing Role of the Media in American Life and Culture: Emerging Trends” conference organized in Salzburg, Austria by the Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association (SSASA) (September 20-24, 2019).
* 2018. 12. KUL Rector’s award for outstanding post-doctoral monograph (Live and Let Di(n)e: Food and Race in the Texts of the American South).
* 2018 (04) the American Studies Network Book Award 2018 for the publication of Live and Let Di(n)e: Food and Race in the Texts of the American South.
* 2017 (12) – KUL Rector’s award for team work for KUL academic community
* 2014 (07) – Eccles Centre Visiting European Fellow in North American Studies. Fellowship awarded by the British Association for American Studies, together with the British Association for Canadian Studies and the Eccles Centre at the British Library to conduct research “Foodways and Identity in US Latina Literature” in the British Library
* 2013 (08) and 2014 (08) – a scholarship from the Clifford and Mary Corbridge Trust of Robinson College, the University of Cambridge. Scholarship awarded for the research about “The semiotics of food in the literature of the American South” conducted at the University of Cambridge.
* 2010 (09) – a study visit to conduct research about domesticity in Southern literature at the University of Essex, Colchester, Great Britain, sponsored by the „Modern ICT Technologies in Propagation of the Achievements of Academic Research” project realized by KUL in partnership with TN KUL. Academic advisor: Professor Peter Hulme, The Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies.
* 2010 (08) – A grant awarded by Friends of KUL Society for a research project on the theme of domesticity in immigrant literatures of the USA conducted at Senate House Library, the University of London and the British Library, London, Great Britain.
* 2009 (07) – A research grant awarded by John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, for a research project: “South through the kitchen: dining rituals as a social statement in Southern literature.” Academic advisor: Professor Heinz Ickstadt.
* 2009 (04) – A conference grant awarded by Foundation for Polish Science for participation in Southern Studies Forum of the EAAS conference “Senses of the South,” hosted by the University of Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines and the Laboratoire Suds d’Amériques, held in Paris, September 2009.
* 2005 (01/02) – A research grant awarded by John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, for a research project: “Southern Female Fiction: Re-visioning the Blighted Eden.” Academic advisor: Professor Heinz Ickstadt.
* 2003 (07) – John Eugene and Barbara Hilton Cay Research Stipend from the Manuscripts Department of the Academic Affairs Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for a research project “Character construction in Walker Percy’s Fiction, Notes and Correspondence.”
* 2003 (06/07) – A Transatlantic Grant. A travel grant awarded by European Association for American Studies (EAAS) for a research project on “Human relations in the South in the novels of Ellen Glasgow and Walker Percy” conducted at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and The University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Academic advisor: Professor Joseph Flora, UNC, Chapel Hill.