M.A. in English, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 2001
Ph.D. in American literature, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 2006
D.Litt. in American literature, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 2018
Invited lectures and other academic activities:
* 2023. 06. 05. Vienna, Austria. An invited lecture at the Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna. The title of the lecture: “Food and Carnality in Fried Green Tomatoes”
* 2023. 04. 27. Szczecin, Poland. An invited lecture at Uniwersytet Szczeciński. The title of the lecture: “’A tasteless, colorless fluid of uniformity’? – an evolution of culinary metaphors of America.”
* 2022. 04. 28. – Warsaw, Poland. A lecture within American Studies Encounters series organized by the University of Warsaw, the title of the lecture: “’What chu know about the Dirty South?: Southern takeover of the hip hop scene.”
* 2022. 11. 24. Lublin, Poland. An invited lecture at the Department of British and American Studies, Maria Curie Skłodowska University. The title of the lecture: “What is Eating America?”
* 2021. 06. 07. Lublin, Poland. An invited lecture at the Department of British and American Studies, Maria Curie Skłodowska University. The title of the lecture: “Zombies Hate Fast Food: Eating (with) the Other in American Culture.”
* 2020. 01. 15. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. A seminar for graduate students about “American identities and their culinary negotiations”
* 2019. 08. 23. Columbia, South Carolina, USA. An invited guest lecture at the Institute for Southern Studies, University of South Carolina. The title of the lecture: “The Dirty South and the poetics of healthy eating.” Inviting professor: Robert Brinkmeyer
* 2019. 08. 19. Charleston, South Carolina, USA. An invited guest lecture at the College of Charleston titled: “Southern eating establishments as sites of pollution.” Inviting professor: Robert Westerfelhaus
* 2019. 02. 10-16. Cleveland, Mississippi, USA. Erasmus+ exchange at Delta State University. Apart from classes taught at Division of Languages and Literature, three open lectures at DSU: “Soul rebels redux, or how hip hop artists challenge their culinary heritage,” “Culinary History of Poland,” and “The cultural transformations of soul food.”
* 2019. 01. 10. Lublin, Poland. “Polish Culture Through the Kitchen Window,” a lecture given to students and professors from University of St. Thomas (Minnesota, USA) participating in the program “John Paul II in His Polish Context,” organized by The Open University of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
* 2018. 10. 22. Warsaw, Poland. An invited lecture: “Appetite for life: the culinary landscape of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening” at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw.
* 2018. 10. 22-23. Warsaw, Poland. Biomedical Humanities: 21st-century American Perspectives on Literature and Culture, 4th Methodologies in American Studies Workshopfor doctoral candidates organized at the University of Warsaw. Invitation to give a workshop: “Aporkalypse: whatever happened to soul food”
* 2018. 01. 11. Lublin, Poland. “Polish Culture Through the Kitchen Window,” a lecture given to students and professors from University of St. Thomas (Minnesota, USA) participating in the program “John Paul II in His Polish Context,” organized by The Open University of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
* 2014. 07. 28. London, Great Britain. Summer Scholars Seminar Series at the British Library organized by Eccles Centre for American Studies. Lecture: “Semiotics of foodways and identity in American movies.”
* 2011. 05. 13. – Santiago de Compostela, Spain. An invited lecture “Chicana femininity: feet, windows, and fairy tales in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street” at the School of Languages and Literatures of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Inviting professor: Constante Gonzáles Groba.
* 2011. 05. 9-16. – Vigo, Spain. Lectures and classes about American ethnic women’s writing within the LLP/Erasmus programme, at the University of Vigo.
MA and BA seminars on American literature and/or culture
American Identities
Texts of American culture
American Short Story Classics
Introduction to American culture
Literature of the American South
Introduction to Literary Studies
Theory of literature
History of American Literature
Introduction to Literary Studies